According to the traditional point of view, male and female have been assigned different gender expressions in this society. For example, when people mention trucks and basketball, they think of boys; while dolls and dresses make people naturally think of girls. When a person's gender expression is consistent with social expectations, he will be considered normal. However, once the person's gender expression is inconsistent with social expectations, he will be considered to have mental illness. In the modern advanced society, we have known that the distribution of gender to people in the society itself is in need of improvement. When a person's assigned sex is male and his gender identity is male, he may just like women's clothes, cosmetics, etc.
Hiding your genitals is an art
For women's clothing, men's reproductive organs are out of place. When we see a man wearing women's clothes in real life or TS hookup sites and if his reproductive organs are very conspicuous, it will look very strange and abrupt. So if you're a male crossdresser, you should try to hide your reproductive organs. In fact, many cross dressers hide their reproductive organs when they wear women's clothes, because when their penis touches a part of the body or clothes, it is not a feeling that women should have. So whether you're wearing a skirt or pants, it's necessary to do so.
For many male cross dressers, the most embarrassing thing is not the long sausage, but their testicles. So it's not a good idea to put this sausage between your legs. Maybe you can put it back where it belongs, so the testicles won't be so obvious.
Sometimes, cross dressing has nothing to do with sex
One of the misconceptions many people have about cross dressers is that they wear heterosexual clothes because they have a special sexual preference, or they just don't agree with their assigned sex. When I got to know this group, I found that they didn't wear the clothes of the opposite sex to seduce or interest the same-sex people. On the contrary, there are several reasons why they wear the opposite sex clothes. First of all, they want to get a kind of sexual pleasure and satisfaction, because they think women's clothes are very charming. Second, they are for entertainment or any other political reason. In addition, cross dressers often do not deny their assigned sex, nor intend to change their sex. Because of these misunderstandings, these cross dressers are often associated with sexual services, which is a prejudice against cross dressers. Find the best match dating app here.
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