Monday, July 19, 2021

My first special hookup before college

Before I went to college, I did date girls, but not hookups. I dated two girls in my high school, one for three months and the other for nearly half a year, but back in that time, girls were all pretty conservative, so I still kept my virginity when I graduated from high school. You all know the summer holiday before college is pretty wild. I believe yours all are. As the only one guy who still got my virginity, my friends made plans for me to lose it in this summer holiday. So did I. I was definitely going to have a one night hookup with a girl.

First, we went to bars, trying to find the right girl. Getting into bars was not a hard thing, but finding a girl is indeed difficult for me. As a timid boy back then, the only way to hit on a girl is to let them know me first maybe for weeks or months. That was how I hit on my last two girlfriends. I never had experience in hitting on a stranger girl before in my life. I was so nervous and to be honest, a little self-abased. How was I going to find a girl to lay with me? I just turned 18 and worst of all, I looked really young.

I did try to hit on several girls and one even went on really well. We talked a lot about our summer plan and college plan. We even coincidentally applied for the same college. She was very cute and hot. I liked her a lot. But when I thought of the fact that we were just supposed to sleep for one night, I got nervous and panic. We talked a lot and I didn’t even flirt with her. She must think I was into relationships, but anyway, I was going to ask her anyway. So this sentence popped out from my mouth “would you like a spend a quality night with me?” I think this is a pretty nice way to ask her. I even was proud of myself for being so direct and bold. However, the reality alters the other way around. I got poured on the face when she left angrily.

So I gave up with a broken heart. My friends told me another way to lose my virginity---hookup apps. I never used that before, because I think it is too pathetic. In my view, only some desperate and old divorced ladies and guys will use hook up apps. I was too good to use it. Actually, I overestimated myself. Two days later, I compromised.

I downloaded an online hookup app and registered for an account. Within a day, I got several matches. Several pretty girls all wanted to sleep with me. I chose the best-looking one and planned for a night. The next day, we slept together in a local hotel. She was very good in bed.

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